Central boards

When the National Service came into being, the need to create a link between risk forecasting and prevention activities and emergency management gradually emerged.
For this reason, in 1982, a technical-scientific Commission was set up to give a qualified opinion on scientific issues and to guide the research for risk prevention. With the law n. 225 of 1992, the Commission is the connecting body between the National Service and the scientific community. Since 2006, the National Commission for the Forecasting and Prevention of Major Risks has been an independent structure of the Civil Protection Department, as it is chaired and composed of experts qualified in matters of interest for civil protection. It is regulated under art. 20 in Legislative Decree no. 1 of 2 January 2018.
The Operational Committee (art. 14 Legislative Decree n.1 of 2 January 2018) is the body that ensures the unitary direction and coordination of emergency activities. Is summoned when the Sala situazione Italia is configured as a crisis unit and the disaster directly involves the Department of Civil Protection. Constituted in 1984, it acquired its actual structure in 2006. The Committee is chaired by the Head of the Department and is composed of representatives of the National Service of Civil Protection.
The National Commission for the Forecasting and Prevention of Major Risks is the liaison structure between the National Service of Civil Protection and the scientific community. Its main function is to provide technical-scientific advice on issues raised by the Head of the Department and to provide guidance on how to improve the ability to assess, forecast and prevent risks.
The organization and functions of the Commission were redefined by the Decree of the Minister for Civil Protection and Sea Policies of February 8, 2023, published in the Official Gazette of March 20, 2023.
Appointment of the Commission's members will be made by a subsequent decree; until then, the Commission continues to operate in accordance with the provisions of the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of October 27, 2017, published in the Official Gazette of December 5, 2017, as amended by the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of May 16, 2018, published in the Official Gazette of July 23, 2018.
The Operational Committee ensures a coherent management and coordination of emergency activities. It convenes at the Civil Protection Department, is chaired by the Head of the Department and is composed of representatives of components and operational structures of the civil protection system.
It aims to evaluate news, data and requests from the areas affected by the emergency, define intervention strategies and coordinate the interventions of all the administrations and bodies involved in the rescue in a unified framework.
Composition. It includes representatives of the Department of Civil Protection and Fire Fighters, Armed Forces, Police Forces, Italian Red Cross, National Health Service facilities, National Voluntary Organizations, National Mountain Rescue and Speleological Corps, Harbour Master's Offices, Ispra - Higher Institute of Environmental Protection and Research, Ingv - National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Cnr - National Research Council, Enea - Body for New Technologies, Energy and Environment, Unified Conference. Also participating are representatives of service companies and companies, e.g. Autostrade per l'Italia, Ferrovie dello Stato, Enel. Representatives of regional and local civil protection institutions affected by specific emergencies may also be convened.
Functioning. The Committee is in office for three years. It is summoned by the Head of Department or by a delegate and operates with the presence of at least half plus one of the members. In cases of urgency or emergency the Committee may also operate with the presence of representatives of the Department, Fire Brigade, Armed Forces, Police Force, Forestry Corps, Red Cross, Harbour Offices, National Health Service and Aeneas.
The Operating Committee was established by Article 10 of Law no. 225 of 1992 and is regulated by Article 14 of Legislative Decree no. 1 of 2 January 2018.